Passion Fuels Purposes! 

- Hello, I am Hydil Aicard Sokeing, a software engineer passionate about digital technologies. I worked on several projects, from design to implementation, in through testing and maintenance.

- Over the years, I have acquired a solid experience in the design and development of quality platforms. I have worked on a variety of projects including apps web and mobile apps.

- I also acquired skills in project management and in leadership. I am now responsible for a team of application developers.

- Whether I'm working on a web app, a mobile app or other digital product, I bring my commitment to excellence and user-centered thinking. by nature very curious, I follow the latest technological trends to keep up to date in my field.

- Outside of work, I like to travel, discover new cultures and cooking. I'm also a big fan of movies and series.

ElSha Series

Satisfied Clients


Projects Completed


Years Of Experience


Tailwind CSS


  • Web & Mobile Developper @Themis Technologies & Services Sarl

    2021-Present | Nantes, France(full remote)

    Worked on a team responsible for developing new applications, Organization, technical installation, training of the end users, Configuration of the online servers for platforms deployment, Providing technical support and Updating of the existing platforms

  • Consultant/Web Developer @CECOSDA

    2020-2021 | Montée Jouvence, Yaoundé-Cameroun

    As a web developper, I provided technical supervision for the development of e-leaning platforms. I Transfered to the technical service, the basic principles concerning the architecture, the configuration of the database, its functionality.

  • IT Manager & Software Developper @BALACCUL

    2017-2020 | Mountain View, CA

    Worked on a team responsible for developing new features for Google's search engine, including improving the accuracy and relevance of search results and developing new tools for data analysis and visualization.

  • Software Engineer @ROS Esthablishment

    2022-Present | Mountain View, CA

    Worked on a team responsible for developing new features for Google's search engine, including improving the accuracy and relevance of search results and developing new tools for data analysis and visualization.


  • Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Sciences/Analyst Programmer

    2013-2016 | National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua

    Relevant courses included Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Systems Engineering, Programming and software architecture.

  • The Art of Management - Winning Concepts and Strategies

    2019-2020 | Swiss ELearning Institute

    All topics covered throughout the modular course are related to the daily challenges in the life of an entrepreneur, ensuring that those winning concepts and strategies immediately apply. Risk management, Personnel management, Strategic management concepts, Financial management, Operations management